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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Business Ethics & HR

Share/Bookmark Business Ethics are the Principles and standards that define accpetable conduct in Buisness.They consists of moral principles governing teh right & wrongs pof human conduct .

Companies do have a code of conduct that every employee has to sign but apart from that HR shud try to place a seperate Business Ethics Policy in the company which every employee shud sign and adhere to. All this will help to create a healthy and ethical environment in the organisations .

Following is a low-down of points that must be kept in mind while designing Policy ::

1) The policy should be aimed to direct the employees for do's and dont's .There shud not be anythg left out which provides a chance of escape .

2) There shud be a proper legal action laid in the policy ,if any breach of policy occurs .

3) Policy thus made should be made informed to all employees in the organisation and all supporting practices shud be adopted .

CSR (Corporate social responsibilty) is a new paradigm of business ethics which is being taken up by the organisations .CSR explains a manner in which a business is conducted and corporate contribution to peace and war against terror .

After designing the policy HR becomes liable to ensure that the policies are implemented strictly & seriously in the organisation .

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