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Monday, October 26, 2009

Swine Flu Challenges Before HR

Share/Bookmark Swine Flu is caused by what is clinically called H1N1 Virus .The Virus was first detected in United States in the month of April 2009 and reports suggests that it has spead to almost all parts of the World including small islands like Belize , nevis & Micronesia .The H1N1 Virus is contagious and is spereading from humans to humans .

The symptoms of the virus inclue Fever, coughing , sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache ,chills & Fatigue . Some people infected with virus also report diarrhea and vomitting .

Corporates like any othershould too should be very cautious and HR Deptt should take a lead steps in taking all pecautions in their organistaions to prevent it from speading into their Domains .

No VAccination is available to protect against H1n1 as of now .The following Prevention and Treatment Steps will help to protect your health . Colorful posters shud be spread in all places in the organisation to spread awareness .The information shold be available in evey cabin , @ every Desk , every enterance , every Exit and even on Emails .It is the duty of the HR Deptt to run an awareness campaign and to make people concious about Swine Flu in the organisation .

BAsic Tips :

1) Cover your nose & mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough .
2) Try to avoid close contacts wth sick People .
3) Avoid Touching your eyes, nose or mouth as bacteria spreads this way .
4) Wash your hands more often with soaps .Alcohol based HAnd cleaners are also effective .
5) If you r sick with Flu like symptoms stay home for atleast 24 hours after your fever is gone .
6) Keep away from others as much as possible to avoid affecting others .

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