Gurbani ....

Bhai Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Ji Riar - Sakhiho Sahelario JS .mp3
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Friday, October 30, 2009


Share/Bookmark With higher incidences of Resume Embellishments hassle free verification system is a must in every organisation or must say where this is a pre-norm .With limited number of jobs available and more candidates chasing the same , candidates may just do up their CV's to improve their employability .

Since the cost of making a wrong hiring could be very disasterous,thus companies do extensive background screening on potential employees, contract employees and vendors .

Lack of digitised information is a key challenge faced in india and indeed in the whole of Asia .Thus this makes conventional processes of verification more expensive , document driven and inefficient .Another reason for the same is that in india there is a dearth of database Infrastructure .Universities and colleges maintain records in files-in hard copies . It is the same with police stations , Pf registraror and even RTO's .Eg if a crime is commiteed in one part of the country ,most other police stations are not aware of that except for the police station in whose juristration the crime was commited .

What we require is an organised and centralised database that is reliable , updated and accessible to all involved .From a recruitment perspective , a collaraborative online database solution involving all parties concerned --the candidate , the recruiter , the verifier , the verifying authorities etc--will help in developing a "pre qualifies and prechecked 'ready to hire talent pool .

We need to create a web based online database.It will cover all industries and all sectors .The online service will facilitate faster verification of facts submitted by candidates seeking employment with less documentation compared to the current more conventional methods of verification .With this all information supplied by the candidate will be availoable in public domain . Such model has to be in complaiance with all relevant privacy laws in Asia PAcific .

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