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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

X Manager or Y Manager -which one is yours ??

Share/Bookmark Douglas McGregor is the Man who framed thoese two theories in Management parlance .According to this MIT professor ,management or the manager works either on X theory or Y theory .

Theory X :: According to this thoery manager assumes that his employees are lazy , unmotivated , dislike their work and must be coerced to perform .This manager feels that his team is just crazy and needs to be controlled to the "T" .He dont trust his employees and will blame th team or the employee without questioning .This kind of manager is an impediment to employee morale and productivity . He believes that his team is the most irresponsible team in the world and if he wudnt have been there oh god ! what wud have happened ?. Under this manager no freedon of work is given to the employees .Becoz of this belief about his team such manager adopts a authoritarian style of leadership based on threat of punishment.One of the reason why the manager is like that cud be that he himself is insecure about his job .

Theory Y ::In this kind of leadership style a manager assumes that his employees may be ambitious , self motivated , responsible and may have self control , self direction , autonomy and empowerment. Such a manager gives immense freedom of work to his team , is empathatic , understanding and open to his team . communication is more friendly and while conversing he makes his team v comfortable with him .Employees enjoy under such a leader .Theory Y manager believes that given the right conditions most people will want to work well and that there is a pool of unused creativity in his team . He will try to take all possible steps which may be hinderence to his employees morale and creativity .He takes care of his team from all angles . Also such maanger is strong and is not insecure about his own job .He creates a v good and healthy atmosphere in teh organisation .

Studies show that imbibing theory Y leadersip style in the organisation results in happy , motivated and more satisfied employees who actually respects their leader .

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