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Bhai Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Ji Riar - Sakhiho Sahelario JS .mp3
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Application of Web 2.0 in HR management

Share/Bookmark Web 2.0 refers to second generation of web development and design ,that facilitate communication , secure information sharing , inter-operatability , and collaboration on the WWW. It facilitates communication & information sharing .The best part is that it is absolutely free of charge unlike yesteryears .

HR can also very smartly use web 2.0 becoz of the following reasons ::

1) Latest happenings in HR :: There are about 100's of website where one can learn about Hr policies and processes .One can even share their HR knowledge .

2) Helps in knowing employees :: Most generation "Y "employees create their profiles on social networking sites .By adding them to your link or network one can easily stay in touch with them , can know more about them ,their activities , their talents and can create a more strong human bond and friendship .

3) Internal communication Tool :: Companies Blogs / intranet sites are the best way to communicate HR voice to employees and vice versa .A Blog can be a v useful HR tool to allow free flow of information within the company & to keep in touch .

4) Reaching to candidates :: Presently there r many recuriting sites like recruitingblogs .com, ,,, that allow to store jobs and profiles of candidates . With this and good networking we can contact the eligible candidates .

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