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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Total Quality Management

Share/Bookmark TQM as it is called refers to deep commitment of an organisation to Quality .Quality of Products and services is an obsession and every process is subject to intense scrutinity to improve .Almost every issue is subject to exploration and process is a continuing one .Employees are provided by extensive training in problem solving , group decision making and statistical methods .

Why TQM is necessary in an organisation ???

1) To meet the customers requirement on time , the first time and 100 % of the time .
2) To strive to do error-free work .
3) To manage the work by prevention , and not by correction .
4) To measure the cost of Quality .

TQM comes under Participative method because every employee in the organisation is involved and is expected to take responsibility for improving quality ,everyday .It is a formal programme which involves direct participation by all the employees .Though the methods of participation may differ from company to company . TQM starts from the grassroot level and moves up since if the process is not improvised from the scratch , it will not result in enhancement of service . Thus all employees and the top management should contribute to uplift the quality of service to enhance a quality Product to customers .

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