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Bhai Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Ji Riar - Sakhiho Sahelario JS .mp3
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Empowered Teams

Share/Bookmark Empowering refers to passing on authority and responsibility .Empowerment occurs when power goes to employees who then experience a sense of ownership and control over their jobs .Empowered individuals know that their jobs belong to them . Since they have a say on how things are done employees feel more responsible . When they feel responsible they show more initiative in their work and enjoy the work more .
Empowered Teams are also known as Self directed Teams .

The following are the features of Self Directed Teams (SDT)::

1) They take the responsibility for the quality of their products and services .
2) They may hire their own replacement or assume responsibility for disciplining their own areas .
3) They are responsible for acquiring any new training they might need .
4) They order materials , keep inventories and deal with suppliers .
5) They may prepare their own budgets and cordinate their work with other departments .
6) They often create their own schedules and review their performance as a group .
7) They set their own goals and inspect their own work .
8) They plan , control and improve their own work processes .
9) They are empowered to share various management and leadership functions .

Orgnisational structure for empowered teams is flat . Management plays a role of a coach or a facilitator.Leadership is shared with the team unlike in a traditional system where its is controled .Informaton flow in such teams is open and is shared among team members .Rewards are skill based or team based .Teams collectively plan , control and improvise the job process .

Many companies are enhancing the number of self directed teams in their organisations .In some companies the divitional heads run their divisions like MD's run their companies .

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