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Bhai Sahib Bhai Joginder Singh Ji Riar - Sakhiho Sahelario JS .mp3
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Audit of HR Function

Share/Bookmark The folllowing cirterias would help measure effectveness of the HR Function in an organisation ::

1) The HR deptt plans the company's manpower needs proactively .

2) The HR deptt conveys organisational Goals to everyone .

3) The HR deptt links appraisal and compensation to corporate objectives .

4) The HR deptt meets the company's and individual training needs .

5) The HR deptt diseminates information down the ranks .

6) The HR deptt doesnot handle staff welfare , canteens or payroll mangement .

7) The HR deptt has knowledge of behaviourial sciences and industrial psycology .

8) The HR deptt gets feedback on its performance from its employees .

9) HR Practices are audited , ther costs computed and then effectiveness is evaluated .

10) The HR deptt is represented in strategy-building sessions of the Top Management .

11) HR issues are discussed explicitly when strategic plans are formulated .

12) The performance of the HR deptt and of the organisation are linked .

13) The HR deptt can easily compete for funds and management involvement .

14) HR managers have sufficient powers to suggest strategic initiative to the top management .

15) The structure of HR deptt is effective enough in delivering competant services .

16) Line managers are recruited along with trained specialists in the HR deptt .

17) The HR Function is given as much significance as other functions in the organisation

18) Last but not the least the Head of the HR deptt is always accessible to all its employees .

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